Character Design - Tex Avery Character

The production model sheet above was used for the Tex Avery cartoon, Henpecked Hobos (1942). The character Jr. (that large, dumb bear) has the features of your typical "dumm" character for your typical Avery cartoon. Note: It wasn't until now that I had forgot to pose this character. My apologies in advance. In this first assignment, Bob had wanted us to design a character that's in the vain of your Tex Avery dumb type. The purpose of the assignment is for the character to have structure, a sense of balance and weight, and a hierarchy. I wanted to design a large, ugly looking female (something that's in the vain of the frumpy looking pet owner in the '46 cartoon, Lonesome Lenny). All in all, Bob loved the sheer stupidity of my large female. The problem, however, was that both poses could easily have it topple over. So, after writing down Bob's advice, I soon went to work and came out with the following: a taste of things to come... From an aspiring animator / cartoonist.